Earworm Entertainment Team
Kristen "Cricket" M
Business Manager
In addition to handling all the Business & Sales aspects of Earworm Entertainment, Kristen (aka. Cricket) also handles the majority of custom artwork (ie. characters, logos, etc) and album designs including our Earworm Entertainment logo nicknamed "Willy the Worm" by our staff team.
Mr. NoBoDy
NH Distribution Manager
Shot and killed in his sleep do you believe in reincarnation? With more questions than answers who is nobody, nobody knows; and nobody cares. From the deepest pits and the darkest shadows of the abyss of nothingness. Raised in parts unknown throughout New England comes….
Grim Singmuf
Catalog Manager & Editor
Listen to the psychedelic sound of the mind-bending beats and rhymes. From the tripped-out creativity of Grim Singmuf combines his eclectic taste in music with a massive zest for life. With an ever growing collection of singles, remixes, and full length albums. Hip-Hop psychedelic specialist Grim Singmuf is ready to grasp the highest plateau of musical accomplishment. With his ever evolving unique signature sound, innovative beats, and thought-provoking lyrics Grim Singmuf brings a captivating one man show wherever his journey takes him.