Chaos Revolution 2024
Chaos Revolution 2024 is set to be a groundbreaking event in the music scene, presented by Earworm Entertainment and Rivet Productions. Scheduled for Saturday June 15, 2024, at The Raven in Worcester, MA, this event promises an electrifying night filled with performances from a lineup of artists who are redefining the boundaries of their genres. The event, which runs from 6:30 pm to 11:00 pm, is a 21+ event, ensuring an adult atmosphere where fans can enjoy the music and performances with like-minded individuals. The door charge is set at a modest $10, making it accessible for a wide audience to experience the live music phenomenon. The lineup for Chaos Revolution 2024 features a diverse array of talent from the Earworm Entertainment Artist Collective, including Worm City Syndicate, Canna CDK, Mr Nobody, GG Tha P4P, and BK Badwolf. Each artist brings their unique sound and style to the stage, contributing to an unforgettable night of music and entertainment. Worm City Syndicate is known for their energetic performances and infectious beats that are sure to get the crowd moving. Canna CDK, the founder of Earworm Entertainment, will showcase his signature blend of music that has earned him a dedicated following. Mr Nobody’s enigmatic presence and lyrical depth will provide a thought-provoking experience for the audience. GG Tha $nowman will bring his cool flow and sharp wit, while Cosmosprite’s electronic vibes will transport listeners to another dimension. Jump’s dynamic stage presence, REMEDY$, P4P’s, and BK Badwolf’s raw energy will keep the momentum going throughout the night. Chaos Revolution 2024 is more than just a concert; it’s a celebration of music’s power to bring people together and create a sense of community. It’s an opportunity for fans to discover new music, connect with artists, and be part of a movement that supports independent and experimental music. For those looking to be part of this revolutionary event, mark your calendars for June 15, 2024, and head to The Raven in Worcester, MA. Don’t miss out on the chance to be part of the chaos that will set the tone for the future of music. Facebook Event Page Facebook Event Page258 Pleasant St,
Worcester, MA 01609-2042, United States
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