Earworm Update
First up in this Earworm Update, on behalf of the EWEAC and Earworm Family, I would like to send prayers and love for the victim’s families and those suffering during this pandemic. We stand with you united. Condolences to all who have suffered a loss in this time. Our prayers go out to everyone greatly affected by this. There are high hopes that we can get through this. It’s up to us as individuals. We stand with those on the front lines fighting the pandemic.
There are many misleading articles, lots of propaganda, and even more conspiracy theories. Best info comes from those actively fighting this hands-on. The best thing we can do is wait it out, all things pass, remain vigilant, keep all 3 eyes open, stay safe and sanitary. Create to keep sane. Scrolling through the garbage on social media can fuck with your head. Its a breeding ground for fuckery and propaganda.
Add on
If you want to see content to keep your mind off the horrible things happening right now, we invite you to leave a comment below. I will personally take the time to find something entertaining to research and write about. As a gift to our fans, friends, and family I will create something different and entertaining for you to read! My gift to you!
In regards to our physical merch…
Canna CDK is the only person handling the merchandise. He has remained at EWE HQ on a mountain in Vermont. The safest place for merchandise to come from right now there. All physical merchandise is being handled very carefully and sanitized before shipping. Your safety is our #1 concern and we are taking every measure possible to ensure merchandise is safe.
Since people have to touch the package in transit, we recommend wearing gloves to open the package and wipe it down before opening. This ensures any outside contamination is eradicated. We each must do our individual parts to keep each other safe. It really is up to each and every one of us to ensure the world can get through this together.
Again our thoughts and prayers are with you all!
Other ways to enjoy the internet:
- https://neave.tv/
- https://www.zoomquilt.org/
- https://earth.nullschool.net/
- https://www.uberviz.io/viz/loop/
- http://somethingnothing.net/
- http://oos.moxiecode.com/js_webgl/forest/index.html
- http://a-way-to-go.com/
- https://www.cosmic-symbolism.com/
- http://gradientforest.com/
- http://findingho.me/
Keeping everyone informed!
Those weblinks are bonkers!