Humbled by the Mud
Album by: Grim Singmuf
This Grim Singmuf project, Humbled by the Mud, is completely created on an SP-404A. The concept of the album is to sample melodies provided by Joe-Em1 and chop them up on the SP, from there make some simple drum rhythms and bass-lines to accompany the samples with the occasional additional instrument to complement the samples. Next lyrics are written then recorded into the SP with background dubs and adlibs dubbed over. Stacking all these layers with little to no editing makes for a very raw analog vibe. This album will also contain vocal chops from my brothers at Earworm. Some will be micro chopped, while others will be chopped according to syllables or individual words. Some resampled and looped. Check out this article for even more detailed info!
By embracing diversity in writing styles Grim manages to capture the spirit of impulsiveness. Whether he is chopping up old songs from divergent genres, or creating a new sound in the digital realm, Grim always strives for a perfect cacophony. Combining hip-hop, poetry, alongside transformative, experimental atmospheres and intense low-end beats. Grim Singmuf maintains a strong community involvement as he collaborates with other like-minded artists, creating their unique brand of psychedelic Hip-Hop. This philosophical wordsmith creates warped ideas to offer the world a unique and colorful perspective unlike any other through his wild collaborative efforts. Music has always been the one constant of his life. The best of Grim Singmuf is unfolding now before your eyes! – Earworm Entertainment
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