WCS – Audio Alchemy


Worm City Syndicate’s second album release “Audio Alchemy” includes 11 tracks featuring a single collaboration with Maniak Max.

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WCS – Audio Alchemy

Worm City Syndicate “Audio Alchemy”


  1. The Sounds at Night
  2. No Surprise
  3. Where I Belong
  4. Closed Loop
  5. Sitting Here
  6. Thinking Too Much
  7. Open Your Mind
  8. What You Say featuring Maniak Max
  9. Alchemy in the Lab
  10. Feelin It
  11. Look For the Signs

Worm City Syndicate - Audio Alchemy

Instrumentals by DMK & Grim Singmuf
Written by DMK & Grim Singmuf
Produced by Earworm Entertainment
Rivet Productions
Encoded by Canna CDK
Introduction by Chef Tubby

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