Yung Pazuzu
I got to roam the backroads of America to search for demons. Out in Appalachia, I learned of Young Pazuzu. He is a known cultist born and raised in the small town of Grundy, Virginia who now resides deep in the darker realms of Alabama. Yung Pazuzu is an avid Satanist and Rapper, let’s dive into his reality.

What school of Occult Magick do you practice?
I’m a Lavey Satanist Which Is The Practice Of Believing in one’s self. I’m my own God and my own devil. I don’t really believe in Satan or God. I’m both. Which is how I put In my music when I say hail satan I mean myself. I do hate the Christian church because, being from the Bible belt, I got made fun of in school for being different. I have seen that in life that we live, we die, there is no afterlife, and we are all maggot food.
How do you lace your craft into your music?
I lace my craft into my music by speaking in tounges and putting little messages and repping Satanism to the fullest! I’m covered in satanic symbols and imagery also like my music. It’s not just to shock. I’m trying to spread the good word of the devil! Basically like the metal bands in the 80s and 90s. With slayer to venom. To some dark black metal like Mayhem and Marduk and all the great horrorcore artists before me
Word! I love Mayhem and Slayer. Are you a solitary practitioner, or do you have a working coven?
I’m a solitary warlock. I do not practice with other people. When I do the rituals I need to be alone. I get taken over by my own demons and I become a whole other person. Though I do help with hexes and other revengeful acts of magick. Most people around me do not do what I do. As far as I know, I’m the only Satanist where I live, but I do know of some Wiccans. My ex is a witch and she also is a solitary practicer in her craft. However, mine is way darker… I do not go-to light… I’m all dark. I use to study Wicca but the dark side always brought me back.
Do you compose your own instrumentals?
I do not. I buy beats or find free ones from producers that allow me to their beats. I’m awful at guitar but I was a metal singer since I could remember. I would love to learn the guitar or piano to put in my own spin on my music instead of default samples in the beats I get.
When you are not focused on rapping, what do you do that inspires your artistic
I love tattooing I tattoo myself. I may not be good, but it’s my art and I’m fucking proud of it! Also, I love to draw. Every since I was a kid I was always drawing or writing story’s or songs. They were always scary story’s. I got an award in the 6th grade for one of my horror stories which was too gruesome for the class. In high school, I started collecting horror or wrestling memorabilia like old stone colds or rocks. My favorite is an undertaker doll I re-found that I had as a kid In a toy store in my hometown with my initials still on his foot.
What are the hardest obstacles in your life you’ve overcome?
Depression. I lost my best friend to a car wreck. He wasn’t even driving. Which as an 18-year-old angry weird kid, it takes a toll. So suicidal thoughts are always going on. I have schizophrenia and bipolar Depression. Which I see and hear things that are not there. This often has me in a psychedelic type trip. Although I’m sober… Which if you listen to the music that I put in my episodes, it’s in there what I see and hear. It sucks man, but I smoke the devil’s lettuce to make it pass.
Do you find it important to reflect this in your lyrics?
Yes! It’s a “let out” for me. When I scream Into the mic I’m talking to them around me. I even record during my episodes. Just about every song I record there are shadow people walking around, and shadow snakes going in and out the floor and walls. Also, when I record there is always a man looking into my eyes. So what you hear is real and the people I kill in my songs are the shadow people all around me.
What led you on your musical journey?
I have always been into music. I’m from Virginia so a lot of bluegrass. It was always about God or Jesus and I only liked the dark songs. Like the ghost of Eli Renfro or old death but all the music around me was metal, rap, country, gospel, and bluegrass.
The first rap I’ve ever heard was ICP. My aunt had the riddle box and was cleaning the house and I sat down in front of an old-ass boom box and just listened to every song on the album. Growing up I moved more to horrorcore and metal. Mostly death and black metal. Which is how I mix the two. I love the mixture of them both in my music or any music in general if done right.
It seems like you often flow between writtens and free-spittens with ease, I
especially notice this at the end of your tracks, is this normal practice for you?
Sometimes. it depends on where the song ends. I love to free spit at the end to show its not just written raps I can do. I can come up with some evil shit right off the top of my dome. Most of my music is a freestyle that I slowly make into a whole song. I go around my room just freestyling trying to make my flow better and better and faster and faster. The first time I did it I didn’t mean to. It just happened, man. I don’t freestyle off the end of the song if I’m on a feature.
Do you cipher with cats in your city?
Nah, man. I don’t know of any other rappers in my area, to be honest, I’m probably the only one. Even if I did I’d get hate for being horrorcore. Most of the artists I know of are guitar players in some bands. I really don’t have any friends to do music with, unless it’s over the web like Patient .04, Wikkid Deathlord, and Wicked intentions.
So “Yung Pazuzu” is new to your musical evolution, what was the deciding
factors to drop the name “Wicked” and Rebrand yourself?
Just about every artist in our scene has the name wicked in it. Ya know? It’s no hate to them I just needed something to stand out and wicked was just a rap name I came up with. ‘Cause I was new but with learning more about Satanism and demons I studied just about every demon there is. The only two that stood out to me were Azazel and Pazuzu.
After learning more about Pazuzu, and the case of Pazuzu Algarad, I put him with the Pazuzu from the Exorcist and got my name. Every rapper’s name has Yung in it so, I guess to fit the trend I put that in front. However, I go by all kinds of different egos in my music. From Lil Dahmer to Yung Gacy, to Lil Ritchey Ramirez to Yung eddy boy kemper, or the son of Sam. Which if you listen closely you can get which character I’m playing.
Walk us through your creative process.
My creative process is that I freestyle or come up with random shit. Then put it in docs and if I like it I run with it, if I don’t it sets till I do. I record on the app band lab and I use a ps4 headset. I do not have a studio or any booth it’s just me in a dark room letting my feelings out. Also, I always record at night around 3. Never during the day. I channel my inner demon around the time… Which if ya know, ya know… Man, I go through beats, I go to my rap, and I rap the song to the beat to see if it fits. If it does, I fuck with it. I have a video on YouTube of my process also cause I got so many questions about how I do my shit.
Is it possible to obtain a reading from Yung Pazuzu? If so, where can one reach
out for a reading?
No. I do not do reading or help with anything but hexes. That’s the only thing in my practice I help people with. Which they work 100 percent! I’ve set so many hexes that my karma is for shit. Although, I have cards, but I read my own future with my cards. I have Crowley Egyptian cards of Thoth, which is the Egyptian God of magick. Overall, I love Crowley and his practices. I have some of his books, but I mostly read my satanic bible or the ritual book follow up to it by LaVey. As far as that I can palm read and most of them turned out true.
Do you use Psychoactive Plants in your Magickal practice? If so, which plants
and how do you use them?
I do not use any I only smoke bud. Sometimes when I do, I do it to open my mind up. I have never used any psychedelics while practicing because in what I practice, it’ll turn into a bad trip fast. However, I do like to dabble in psychedelics, but not with my practice. I have to be in a clear mindset because my visions can get a bit crazy. Shrooms are the only ones I like to do from time to time. Though, I have done some scooby stamps while doing a ritual once. Once …and fuck homie that was the worst trip I’ve ever had. I went to my own personal hell and ever since I said fuck that I’m sticking to the green.
Do you work Sigil Magick?
It Matters what demon I’m trying to channel. If I wanna work with them. I don’t like to say a lot of what I do ’cause a warlocks practice is a very powerful secret. As to what I’ve done during rituals, as far as animal sacrifices, like chickens and rabbits, and small woodland animals. I hunt and then use their blood for the rituals. That might sound awful to some people, but I’m from the south where killing animals is normal. I do not, and I repeat, I do not practice human sacrifice. I do use my own blood in ritual work, but never anyone else. It’s my work, not anyone else’s.
As an independent artist, do you plan to cultivate your own collective or label, or
do you plan on remaining solo?
I’m the owner of “Morgue Dwella Records.” Which is just a bunch of us loons, doing shit different than others. It’s more of a cult or movement than anything. MDR is me, Wicked Intentions, Wikkid Deathlord, and the up and coming Patient.04. Man, this kid got talent and I love working with him. Inside of the camp is our groups we got like “Sonz of Sam” with me and Deathlord. Also, cemetery Boyz, with me and Patient plus other cats that’s not on the label. I support any other label or artist that fucks with me. I see how yall do with Earworm and I fucking love it man I’d love to get as big as yall with CDs and little shows.
What is everyday life like in Alabama?
Gunshots and wondering if I’m gonna die by my hand or a meth head trying to get cash for the next fix. I live in a pretty rough part of the area. One which has gangs and other crime groups and of course the fucking klan. Which I fucking hate. I love everyone and if you treat me good that’s how ill do you. Straight up, but man, in ‘Bama there are deaths from people I grew up with from ods, or violence from b and es, to just riding. Ya know? On the other hand, most of the land is beautiful, If you go to the right places. Although you never wanna go in Satan’s sticks alone, you might come out in a bag.
Do you guys have a big Underground hip-hop scene, if so when did it begin and
who are the key players in Alabama underground rap scene?
I don’t know of any really. As far as I know, I’m the only one who raps around me or does any music really. Not a lot of people see it as something that can make something out of someone. Most of my family thinks it’s a waste of time, but I keep on keeping on like anyone should in this kinda situation. You gotta keep being you and maybe you’ll get big. As far as famous rappers, I live two or three miles away from Gadsden Alabama where Yelawolf is from. I’m a Slumerican till I die he’s one of my biggest influences being from ‘Bama.
Tell us how you linked up with Khaotic Neutral and the N0 Hat3rz podcast.
I linked up with the big homie from seeing the first test run with him and wicked intentions. I was like yo, this dude’s promoting artist, I gotta see what’s up with it! From there, I messed him and he’s been my brother and biggest fan ever since. Homie even bought one of my shirts which don’t get a lot of traffic over at my store, cause I’m not as known. He reps me hard man and I’m grateful for my big homie.
Do you, or have you, performed live?
I have not. I had the opportunity as “Wicked” to play at the gathering in 2018, but couldn’t make it. Also, I had a slot open at a club near me but they turned me down after hearing my music. Mostly what people like around me is new-age rap mainstream type stuff ya know Kevin gates and whatnot. However, if I ever do perform live Its gonna start out dark with lighting candles around a pig’s corpse on a pentagram and Anton LaVey’s gonna be on the speakers, and When lights gonna come up and I’m gonna gut the pig wrap the guts around me. All to start my show covered in death.
You got this great demonology laced into your lyrics often, do you invoke or
embody any specific pantheon of demons?
I embody the demon Pazuzu. That’s the only demon I identify with. Studying him, which not all demons are evil, he has helped a lot with winds and helping cast out bugs, and stuff for the people of Mesopotamia. If you didn’t know he is the demon of the winds, but don’t let that fool you can be evil! Just like me, it’s an on and off switch.
Are you familiar with the Djinn of Islam, if so what are your beliefs about Djinn,
and do they parallel with your pantheon of beliefs on Demonology?
I believe I’m possessed by some because of the doorways I’ve opened in my mind and in this world, I have worked with some that have taken over me, coming out of candles. It started with calling upon them and seeing movement in the candle, and faces, and I was taken over. I like to learn about many demons in every culture and Islam has a lot of powerful ones.
Hip Hop has many facets and subgenres, do you feel these labels and
distinctions matter? If so, in what sub-genre would you categorize your music?
They are important to some artists, to put where they stand. Like me, I call myself a horrorcore artist. However, in the case of groups, like $uicide Boys, they don’t really call themself anything. People called them horrorcore and they kinda hated the label. Which I’m fine with it. I’m proud to be a part of this scene of talented artists and fans that are fucking die-hard I love my Reagans.
I took acid with this kid who was obsessed with tasting Human so much that he
cut himself just to cook and taste it. Have you ever, or would you ever eat the
flesh of a human?
I love the taste of blood, and yes if I could I’d eat someone if it came down to it. Though, you have to watch with cannibalism because too much human meat will make you sick and kill you. We are full of protein but I’m a sadist dom and I like to cut my little and drink her blood. I have had part of my lip inside come off during a fight. I picked it off the ground and ate it. Needless to say, he puked, got scared, and ran like a bitch! I study in Dahmer and many other cannibals through history. Word of advice, you never cook them! Dahmer says it kills the flavor. Plus tattoos, never eat anyone with tattoos cause the ink fucks with the taste.
What future projects are you currently working on?
I have just got done with my new mixtape, “Dreaded Demon.” Which was released on cd. It will be a 2 cd type deal with 8 new songs by me, and on disc two will be songs I’ve done over the years as Wicked that don’t get the light they should. To show where I started from where I’m at now. I have a DSBM album coming out called do not resuscitate it is not rap it’s pure suicidal black metal.
What a great interview, I’m excited to bear witness to your evolution. To conclude,
is there anything you would like to add on?
I just wanted to thank you for giving me the opportunity to be heard on a platform different than music. It’s really dope what you’re doing with this and music. I wanna say thank you for all the supporters I got. I love yall and I’m above ground because of you! Oh, and fuck the haters, hail Satan!

Link up with Yung Pazuzu!
Find Yung Pazuzu on: Youtube, Instagram, Soundcloud, Tik Tok, and Spotify! Don’t forget to buy some merch blessed with dark hexes by the best demon in the trenches of Alabama!

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