Earworm Update First up in this Earworm Update, on behalf of the EWEAC and Earworm Family, I...
Earworm News
Free Files! As promised, the files from the first 3 sound design articles will be given away...
Phatzo We had the chance to chat and catch up with Phatzo, the rap game’s favorite speedrunner...
Back 2 Basics Canna CDK & Grim Singmuf of EWEAC came together to create Back 2 Basics....
Earworm Artist Interviews CTRL+Space, in association with Moosic Records, has shown Earworm a lot of love on...
What is Cryptocurrency? Cryptocurrency is a digital currency that uses encryption (cryptography) to generate money and to verify transactions....

Basic Traveling Studio I’d like to share the tools I use in my “traveling studio”. I’ll also...
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