Hello readers! Grim Singmuf here, I wanted to discuss an ally of mine, Datura. This Plant medicine is sacred to me, though most are fearful of its power. It is seen as a deliriant by most. For me, personally, I have found it is the only form of “time travel” I have ever experienced. A common experience is talking to those that are not there. The Hallucinations in general are so vivid and real it is like walking in a dream. In large doses to the unprepared this can be scary, but more especially to outsiders witnessing the phenomenon.
When in middle school health class as a 6th grader in a public school in Rhode Island, I was told things like psilocybin mushrooms and LSD would allow me to see cartoons and people that are not there. When I got my first experience I was not disappointed that this was not the case, however, I learned then that the adults teaching me had no experience with the subject they were teaching. This is what really sparked the Seeker in me.
My Journey
My first journey with Datura was born out of my lust for understanding plant medicines and my search to find meaning in this existence. I’ve spent a lot of my time as a teenager and young adult reading about plants. I looked to authors such as Gordon Wasson, Albert Hofmann, & Christian Rätsch as “Divine Prophets” and their words as scripture. I wanted to know, with utmost sincerity and certitude, the god within myself.

After curiosity and research combined I felt I was ready. I always agreed with Timothy Leary‘s sentiment “You have to lose your mind to find yourself” so I was not in fear of becoming “crazy”, I welcomed insanity wholeheartedly. With knowledge as my guide, I gathered some Datura from a yard in my hometown. From there, I took one entire plant from the root up. I cleaned any dirt and separated the leaves, flowers, fruits, and roots from the stalk. After discarding the stalk I boiled down the rest of the plant for a long while till I had a nice reduction and a very bitter tea.
The Trip
I drank 1 cup, just an average coffee mug, worth of the tea. For a while, I did not feel any different, until I decided to go outside. Walking down the stairs my body felt light-headed and heavy-footed. It was very strange but I enjoyed the feeling. As I walked I found myself talking to a friend who was there at times but disappeared at other times, sometimes mid-sentence. I also smoked many joints and cigarettes that seemed to just vanish and reappear at any given time.

There is much that remains a mystery about that night, but one thing is for certain, I enjoyed it and wanted to know more! As with any new discovery of mine, I wanted to share. It was really through witnessing how others experienced Datura that I began to truly understand its nature. It can be very playful but also very angry. I’ve seen glorious and horrendous experiences. I believe a lot of that has to do with intention.
What I learned
One thing I learned was this is not for everyone. I also learned that Datura is a powerful tool for looking back at any given point in time and allowing you to relive the situation as if it were playing out all over again before your eyes. As time went on I continued to utilize Datura for this purpose, and for me, it has proven to be more effective than any therapist. I sit with the intention to relive any given moment and I am instantly transported there. Datura has been my guide through the boundaries of time allowing me to break down and understand with compassion any given situation from my past from multiple perspectives.
More on this plant and others
I plan on expanding more on Datura as well as other plant medicine profiles! Keep an eye out for this and more on EarwormEntertainment.com!