Jah Murda Jah Murda is an underground Hip Hop/Rap artist from Boston, MA. He is a diverse...
Underground News
Safe and Sound Hello, fans, friends, and family of the Earworm nation! We hope you and your...
Free Files! As promised, the files from the first 3 sound design articles will be given away...
Back 2 Basics Canna CDK & Grim Singmuf of EWEAC came together to create Back 2 Basics....
Jinzx We had a chance to chat with Jinzx, a Juggalo rapper from GA. Hailing from Gwinnett...
Lucker Price From Providence, RI Adopted at a young age into a family surviving off government assistance....
Kraeyzie PayN Finally, the two Demented personalities of Kraeyzie K and PayN have joined into one entity....
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